There are several factors involved in Dart Strategy. These include the playing ability of both you and your opponents, the game being played (501, 301, or cricket) and whether your opponent is "on a double".
The objective is to win the game. When playing opposition with similar or slightly better skills using a smart strategy could be the difference between winning or losing.
Only you know your skill level. If you are a beginner and you find that darts tend to land over a fairly wide area, then there are two areas of the board that will yield more moderate but consistent scores -
As your darts improve you should concentrate on 20's or 19's (even 2 out of 3 darts will give a score in the 40's which is better than 3 darts in the 14-11 or 15-10 sectors).
501 and 301 Strategy
In order to win you must hit a double first. We want to maximize our chances by selecting easier or preferred doubles. In addition we want to plan our set-up shots to get to these doubles quicker.
Whenever possible try to finish on one of the preferred "even" doubles.
When "doubling in" in a game of 301 it essential to hit a double quick (any double). For this reason people often aim at the sides of the boards. As a general rule dart players find it easier to control left-right direction than up-down control.
Having chosen our preferred doubles we need to maximize the chances of getting to them. As you play more you will learn that there are many number combinations that you can give yourself extra chances by making different shot selections. The following is a list of some of the more obvious examples as well as a couple which only apply to more advanced players.
Score | Target | Strategy |
35 | Aim for 3/19 | 3-D16; 19-D8 or 7-D14. Avoid T19! |
46 | Aim for 6/10 | 6-D20; T6-D14; 10-D18 or T10-D |
48 | Aim for 16/8 | 8-D8 or 16-D16. Avoid T16! |
50 | Aim for Bull | Go for it! 1 dart to fix any miss. |
50 | Aim for 10 | T10-D10; 10-D20 |
64 | Aim for 16 | T16-D8; 16-16-D16; T8-D20 or (8+16)-D20 |
70 | Aim for 10/15 | T10-D20; 10-20-D20; or 15-15-D20 |
86 | Aim for 18's | T18-D16 or 18-18-Bull |
110 | Aim for T20 | T20-Bull Go for it! |
110 | Aim for Bull | Bull-20-D20; 25-T15-D20 |
119 | Aim for 19 first | 19-T20-D20; Avoid 20-99(no finish!) |
120 | Aim for 20's | T20-20-D20 or 20-T20-D20 |
126 | Aim for 19's | T19-19-Bull; 19-T19-Bull; Avoid 20-106(no finish!) |
170 | Aim for T20! | T20-T20-Bull, perfection! |
As you can see even I am in two minds on some set-up shots and will only make a choice depending on my opponents score and how I feel I am playing.
There are many variations on the above. I have compiled an Out Chart based on my own personal preferences. (Go to OUT CHART). Feel free to experiment with you own set-up shots and finishes. By counting, thinking about why you aim for particular numbers and by practicing you will be able to save a couple of darts off every leg and improve your PPD average.
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